Left to right: Gabe, Mandy, Mike, Cole, Debbie, Cate, Courtney, Chris, and Cai

Mike & Debbie

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Give me a "P", Give me a "T", Give me an "A"

Debbie is off to San Diego attending the National PTA convention. Debbie is the Hunter Council President for the 2008-2009 school year. It has been 8 years since Gabe graduated from High School, but Debbie is serving stronger than ever in her PTA activities. For eighteen years, Debbie has served in some leadership capacity for the PTA, and has been a voice of support for our teachers and more funding for our public schools in the Granite School District. Debbie is respected by both our State Senator and State Representative for her support of public schools, and each year attends the Education Luncheon at the State Capitol. Debbie is very much respected for her diligent and unwavering support of the PTA and all the good that they have been able to accomplish.
Debbie and the "PTA girls" were able to go to Sea World, and attend a session in the San Diego Temple while attending the convention.

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